九死还魂草(拉丁学名:Selaginella tamariscina,学名:卷柏),是一种卷柏科卷柏属植物。九死还魂草高5-15厘米,茎棕褐色,分枝丛生,扁平状,浅绿色。在天气干旱的时候,卷柏的小枝就卷起来,缩成一团,以保住体内的水分。一旦得到雨水,气温一升高,卷缩的小枝会平展开来,所以叫作“九死还魂草”,具有极其顽强的抗旱本领。广泛分布于中国各地,具有极高的观赏价值和药用价值。
Nine deaths to restore the soul of grass, after a hundred years of death and come back to life, have to feel the magic of nature!
Nine Deadly Returning Grass (Latin name: Selaginella tamariscina, scientific name: Curculio), is a plant in the Curculio family Curculioceae. The plant is 5-15 centimeters tall, with tan stems that are branched, flattened, and light green. When the weather is dry, the twigs of the curly cypress are rolled up and scrunched into a ball to retain water in their bodies. Once you get the rain, the temperature rises, curled up twigs will be flat to open, so called “nine deaths to return to the soul of the grass”, with extremely tenacious drought-resistant instincts. It is widely distributed throughout China and has high ornamental and medicinal value.

In fact, the so-called return of the soul to rebirth, is to fight to the death to protect their own cubs, as long as the doll is there, hope is there, all things are so ……