从20世纪70年代起,一代又一代的中国人用了整整40年的努力,终于成功把这片沙漠给包围了。塔克拉玛干沙漠面积33.7 6万平方公里,是国内最大、全球第二的流动沙漠。它的面积比三个韩国还要大,相当于江苏、浙江、福建三个省加起来。而之所以叫它流动沙漠,主要就是因为它会侵蚀周围的土地,又由于不断的扩张,它已经和我国北方的多个沙漠组成了一条沙漠带,严重威胁着西北的生产环境。这些沙子,一到冬天就会顺着风吹向内陆。许多北方城市的沙尘暴大多数都是塔克拉玛干给贡献的。如果放任不管,那么北方的环境就会进一步恶化,将来会让处于沙漠带地区的老百姓可能连种地都没地儿了,家园变沙地那可不是闹着玩的。
One of China’s greatest projects in the 21st century: encircling the Taklamakan Desert! Turn the desert into an oasis.

This is one of the greatest projects in the history of mankind! On November 28th, 2024, the Taklamakan, China’s largest and the world’s second largest flowing desert, was circled by us with a green protective belt.Since the 1970s, generations of Chinese people have worked hard for 40 whole years and finally succeeded in encircling this desert. With an area of 337,600 square kilometers, the Taklamakan Desert is the largest flowing desert in China and the second largest in the world. It is larger than three Koreas, equivalent to the provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian combined. And the main reason why it is called a mobile desert is that it erodes the land around it, and because of its continuous expansion, it has formed a desert belt with several deserts in the north of China, seriously threatening the productive environment of the northwest. This sand, once winter comes, blows inland with the wind. Most of the dust storms in many northern cities are contributed by the Taklamakan. If left unchecked, then the environment in the north will further deteriorate, and in the future, it will make the people in the desert belt area may not even have land to plant, and it’s no joke to have their homes turned into sand.And this is also related to the economic strategy of the Belt and Road, the New Asia-Europe Continental Bridge and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor railroads and highways will have to cross this desert. If the desert continues to expand, then the railroad, energy, communications and other infrastructure will be threatened. So whether for the environment, ecology or economic development, this problem must be solved. And this Taklamakan is undoubtedly the desert in the top priority.Taklamakan Desert is not actually a lack of water, domestic engineers through the detection found that the groundwater here is very rich, more than eighty trillion cubic meters, which is equivalent to 5.71 million West Lake. This underground water mainly comes from the nearby glaciers and melting snow, although hidden very deep, but occasionally through the lakes and underground rivers appear. Moreover, there are more than a hundred rivers in the Tarim Basin that can seep water into the ground, so around these groundwater resources, generation after generation of people who treat sand planted trees while building grass lattices in the sand. These grass lattice it is like a net on the sand, to the inside of the grass roots deep in the soil, to prevent the wind from blowing the sand shaking. After this fixed ah, sand people will pump groundwater by drilling wells, and then through the pipeline to the roots of the plant, the green plants for irrigation, to promote the growth of vegetation. And the use of artificial lakes, wetlands and these means to increase the life of the water source, the formation of an ecological cycle.Slowly the grass grows denser and denser, the sand no longer runs away from the sand, the desert begins to regain its vitality, and eventually we established a 3,046-kilometer green belt, which is equivalent to repairing the green belt from Shanghai, China, to Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, successfully enclosing the desert.From this moment on, the area of the Taklamakan will only decrease, not expand. In the next few decades, flowers, plants, trees and photovoltaic panels will be put on the ground one after another, gradually turning this place into an oasis. Slowly, it will be an agricultural paradise with thousands of hectares of good land and waves of wheat.And here is also a treasure of resources, the Tarim Basin buried oil and gas resources buried more than 6,000 meters deep, occupying 60% of China’s onshore ultra-deep oil and gas resources, the world’s 19%, which means that the future of this place is also quite potential.Taklamakan Desert surrounded by the edge of the closing, the edge is not only the pinnacle of achievement in human history, but also belongs to the romance of our Chinese people alone. At this moment, I just want to recite a poem, Chinese children more extreme, dare to call the sun and moon a new day.